Our Network

Our Education Network links people involved in creating the best learning environments for children, educators and families. It is based on the premise that OUR Centre know how to create the most magnificent learning for our Students

1. Ownership of our teaching, our learning, our education.

2. Unifying around a shared vision that we create together

3. Releasing the human potential currently locked away in each of us.

4. For those who are already members, here are spaces to share what we have learned and will learn together.

5. For those who do not know our Centre, welcome! We are warm, we are open, and we are willing to share our journeys and Give Opprtunities for Business. This site will give you the opportunity to get to know us.

What are the signatures of OUR Education Process?

OUR process is only one of many processes that have been created internationally for helping be the best they can be. We happily co-exist alongside many other great innovative processes around the world.

This is a process for those who deeply trust teachers and families.

This is a process for those who believe that all voices should be heard and respected.

Our experience is that aligning to a genuine Shared Vision, created together, generates a focus, energy and commitment that drive innovation.

Our experience is that a healthy interaction between research and lived experience, produces the balance that leads to soundly based decision-making.

OUR website is rich in skills, models and processes for transforming learning, teaching and Franchise Opprtunities. We started from a strong research base and from strong educational practice, and we each continue to generate and share our own research and innovative practices.